Recovering from an Ankle Sprain

Recovering from an Ankle Sprain: Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Worried and wondering about how swiftly you can get back on your feet after an ankle sprain? The journey to recovering from an ankle sprain involves understanding the signs, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment. Let's discover the steps to a speedy recovery and regain your stride with confidence.

Ankle sprain symptoms and signs

Understanding the signs of a twisted ankle equips you to promptly address your sprain, facilitating a smoother path to recovery.

  1. Pain

    One of the most immediate and recognizable indicators of an ankle sprain is pain, particularly when putting weight on the injured ankle. This discomfort can range from mild to severe sprain injuries, serving as a crucial cue to the injury's extent.

  2. Swelling

    Swelling is a common companion to an ankle sprain, manifesting around the joint. This inflammation occurs as the body responds to the injury, and observing the degree of swelling aids in assessing the severity of the sprain.

  3. Bruising

    A telltale sign of an ankle sprain is the appearance of bruises, indicating bleeding under the skin. The discolouration serves as a visual confirmation of the trauma and can help in differentiating between a mild and more severe sprain.

  4. Limited range of motion

    Ankle sprains often lead to a restricted range of motion. Difficulty moving the affected ankle or experiencing stiffness may suggest the need for a thorough examination and appropriate care.

  5. Tenderness to touch

    The injured area becomes tender to the touch, reflecting the sensitivity of the affected ligaments and tissues. Identifying tenderness assists in pinpointing the precise location of the sprain.

  6. Instability or weakness

    Ankle sprains can compromise the stability of the joint, causing a sense of instability or weakness. Pay attention to any feelings of unsteadiness, as they may signify ligament damage.

Diagnosis of an ankle sprain

Healthcare professionals employ a multifaceted approach to diagnose ankle sprains. A thorough physical examination involves assessing pain, swelling, and joint stability. Imaging tests, such as X-rays, help rule out fractures, while MRI scans provide detailed views of soft tissues. Additionally, evaluating the range of motion aids in gauging the extent of ligament damage. This comprehensive diagnostic process ensures an accurate understanding of the injury, guiding the formulation of an effective treatment plan.

Ankle Sprain treatment options

Navigating these treatment options in tandem or as advised by healthcare professionals ensures a well-rounded and efficient recovery from an ankle sprain.

  1. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (R.I.C.E.) method

    Initiate healing by following the R.I.C.E. method protocol. Rest allows the injured ligaments to recover, ice reduces swelling, compression supports the joint, and elevation minimises inflammation, collectively fostering a conducive environment for recovery.

  2. Pain relief medications

    Alleviate discomfort with pain relief medications, available over-the-counter or as prescribed by a healthcare professional. These medications not only manage pain but also contribute to reducing inflammation, facilitating a smoother recovery process. Please ensure to take any medications only under medical supervision.

  3. Physical therapy

    Engage in targeted physical therapy to enhance ankle strength and flexibility. Tailored exercises not only aid in restoring normal function but also reduce the risk of future sprains, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting recovery.

  4. Bracing or taping

    Support the healing process by using braces or tape to stabilise the ankle joint. This additional support helps prevent further injury and provides a sense of security during daily activities, promoting confidence as the sprain heals.

Recovery and rehabilitation

Following a structured rehabilitation program is paramount for recovering from an ankle sprain. This regimen focuses on rebuilding strength, enhancing flexibility, and restoring stability in the affected joint. Consistent adherence ensures a swift and comprehensive recovery, reducing the risk of lingering issues.

Additionally, safeguard your ankle against future sprains with a thorough warm-up before physical activity, proper footwear, and targeted conditioning exercises. Strengthening and proprioception exercises fortify the ankle, minimising the risk of recurrent injuries for sustained joint health.

The takeaway

In the pursuit of recovering from an ankle sprain, commit to rehabilitation and preventive measures. Prioritise your ankle health with proper care, conditioning, and support. For reliable ankle support, opt for Hansaplast's ankle binder support—your reliable partner in keeping your ankle's health protected and supported.


Please note that the above recommendations are general care tips. Consult a healthcare professional in case of any uncertainty around wound treatment and healing.

Always see your doctor if a wound is deep, bleeding profusely or showing signs of infection. For diabetic patients especially, proper wound care holds the utmost importance. Do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor or your podiatrist, even when it comes to minor wounds and cuts – especially if they’re on your feet.

The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Although compiled with great care, it is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have or suspect a health problem, consult your doctor immediately. 

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Medically Reviewed by Dr. Paresh V. Navalkar

A dedicated Regional Faculty member for the American Heart Association, he also takes on the roles of ITLS (USA) Chapter Coordinator and Lead Instructor
Dr Navalkar leads as the Director of the Lifesupporters Institute of Health Sciences in Mumbai, with an impressive 39-year track record of professional experience.