
How to Prevent Back Ache and Neck Pain while at Work

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Working life can be hectic. Most of us spend at least 40 hours a week, just sitting in front of our computers. Long sitting hours and uncomfortable positions can cause knots and pain in your shoulders, neck and back. But don’t worry. This pain can easily be avoided by making a few tweaks in your daily routine.

Details Can Make All The Difference

Usually, this time of pain is short-lived, settling within a matter of days or weeks. It is not a major injury, but simply a matter of muscles and muscle groups that are not well exercised. Lack of activity causes your muscles to become weaker, or rigid and inflexible. Spending a lot of time at a desk makes this inevitable, but being proactive about your own health and fitness can help avoid it.

Is neck pain and sitting at a desk really interrelated?

What many people don’t know is that your work environment (be it the position of your computer, the height of your desk or the ergonomic shape of your chair) only has a minimal influence on muscle pain. So forget blaming your office chair. It’s not your chair, it’s probably you!


Of course, making your work environment as pleasant as possible is always a good idea. But what really matters in preventing back, neck and shoulder pain is setting a daily routine that includes exercises and stretches to strengthen your muscles. Working out counterbalances the damage caused by long periods of inactivity and monotonous schedules. 

Additionally, it’s useful to note that the pain isn’t always due to physical factors. Mental stressors such as overwork or heavy workloads can greatly contribute to back aches as well. This is because when you are stressed out, your muscles tend to tense up, and this constant strain causes lingering aches. 

The key here is for you to find out, ‘What can you do to me more pro-active about preventing pain?’ We’ve got a few simple, helpful tips for you to keep in mind.

Neck and shoulder pain relief

Tight muscles in the neck and shoulders are often caused by stress and psychological strain instead of any physical factors. Figuring out your personal stress triggers—such as overwork, conflicts at the workplace, interpersonal problems—are and what role they might play in your physical health.

Here are some other factors to take into consideration:

Physical exercise balances out stationary work

Physical exercise is the best way to treat upper back pain from sitting at a desk, and for neck and shoulder pain relief. You can find many specific exercises for neck and shoulder pain relief on the internet. Go for a run, to the gym, or practise yoga. This will not only stretch and strengthen your muscles but also help as a stress-buster.

Remember that challenging your body and keeping your muscles active is key in preventing tense muscles and pains and aches in the long run.

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Staying active at the workplace

Neck and shoulder pain relief is as easy as changing your sitting position from time to time as you work. Try to work as actively as possible, stand up from time to time to stretch.
When in an office work environment, use every chance you can get to move around, for example, take the stairs instead of using the lift, or use lunch breaks productively by taking a brisk walk. If you’re feeling stressed, try simple relaxation techniques (such as breathing exercises) that you can carry out right at your desk.

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Try heat therapy

Experiencing upper back pain from sitting at a desk? Or lower back pain at a work from home job? If your muscles are tensed and knotted from a strenuous day of typing and stress then try heat therapy for quick relief. Hansaplast Lion Heat Plasters are an excellent first measure to relax your muscles and provide quick pain relief. They induce heat in the affected area which increases the blood flow, relaxes the tissues and improves mobility.

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A little extra care and diligence is all it takes to expend muscle pain. Check out more information on back pain here: 5 Easy Ways to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain


MOVE IT! If you must sit at your desk for an extended time, change position often and give your back a break by standing up and walking around every hour or so, or doing some exercises. Take every chance you can get to move around, Choose the stairs over the lift.  

Disclaimer - Please note that the above recommendations are general care tips. Consult a health care professional in case of any uncertainty around wound treatment and healing.

Always see your doctor if a wound is deep, bleeding profusely, or showing infection signs. For diabetic patients especially, proper wound care holds the utmost importance. Do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor or your podiatrist, even when minor wounds and cuts – especially if they’re on your feet.

The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Although compiled with great care, it is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have or suspect a health problem, consult your doctor immediately. 

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